
How to travel to BiH by bus

©Crédit: Ranch-Bar U - wyeoh
Getting to Bosnia & Herzegovina

A complete list of bus stops and timetables can be found here.

From Sarajevo, the following bus services are frequent:

Croatia: Zagreb (4 daily), Split (4 daily), Rijeka and Pula (daily), and Dubrovnik (daily)

Serbia: between Belgrade and (eastern) Sarajevo there are 5 daily services, there is also a daily service to the main station in Sarajevo

Slovenia: Ljubljana (daily)

Montenegro: Kotor daily (trip lasts 7 hours and is accompanied by amazing views and nature)

In Banja Luka, Mostar and Tuzla, international bus services are also frequent.

Many bus lines depart from Herzegovina to Dalmatian coastal towns in Croatia.

Buses in international transport in Bosnia and Herzegovina are always modern and luxurious, with 5 stars.

Getting to Bosnia & Herzegovina